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They say that you can only meet people as deeply as they have met themselves. Some have not and when they do see someone with that can imagine what happens after that. In that hermit mode and enjoying the solitude. I've been taking myself to local library shops to find new books. My issue is that I will not read a book if it is not by a BIPOC.

Imagine finding books with more representation for your community. I just love it, as well as authors of this same genre in high fantasy. Yes! It's been inspiring me to get back into my own. With that being said, here is a snippet from something I've been conconting for a while.

Oh, you like him!

“Earth to Septima, you in there?” Solomon’s hand waving back and forth to get my attention. I inhaled deeply suddenly and sighed dramatically.

“Sorry I was thinking about what I like to drink.” I managed to respond before he could start to tease me. He snorted.

“Is that what happened? Start calling you the space cadet.”

“Were we not just talking about existence? Let’s get back to that!” On the verge of hissing at the fool of a man who flustered me so. I’d never tell him. Imagine being attracted to a demon, though with me being a hybrid…I felt as if that wasn’t going to stop anything. The second realization of that night, the ghost of a sensation close to blushing graced my cheeks, I gasped abruptly.

“Oh something just clicked for you right?” His eyebrows shot up. I was grateful that he couldn’t technically read minds. He was almost like a PA system. Voice popping into your head to warn you of the next stop light, or when he’s roasting someone’s outfit. But he could never tune into your actual thoughts, just the emotions that come with your reactions.

Oh, you WANT him!

“Solomon! Uh, it’s late – not trying to tell what to do, but shouldn’t you be asleep or something?” Is there a stronger word for flustered? He guffawed at me trying to rush him out.

Toodles for now